Asset ID: 3
BeamBots Token (BB)

BeamBots Token

A community-governed, decentralized & confidential NFT ecosystem.
The BeamBots NFT project is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) with fully transparent tokenomics, inviting the community to dictate the future of BeamBots, its reserve token treasury, and the direction of the project as a whole. The BeamBots is an NFT collection of 444 uniquely generated hand drawn robots. there are several different models (Grippers, Babies, Animals, Superheroes, Humans and Mega) that aloow varied use cases and gamification.

Asset ID:   3
Since: 2022-07-05 17:28 (UTC)
Block: 1,835,753
Short name: BB
Unit name:   BB
Subunit name:   MiniB
Minted supply:   4,440,000 BB
Last change: 2022-07-05 17:46 (UTC)
Block: 1,835,785

Supply changes

Block Timestamp (UTC) Details Supply
1,835,785 2022-07-05    17:46 Asset.Emit: 4440000 BeamBots Token (BB) 4,440,000
1,835,753 2022-07-05    17:28 Asset.Create: BeamBots Token (BB) -


P2P Swap Order Book

Sell Orders

Price in Beam Price for 1 BB Taker Sends Amount of Beam requested by the seller Taker Receives Amount of BB offered by the seller Market Cap
Market cap corresponding to the respective price
No sell orders

Buy Orders

Price in Beam Price for 1 BB Taker Sends Amount of BB requested by the buyer Taker Receives Amount of Beam offered by the buyer Market Cap
Market cap corresponding to the respective price
No buy orders
