Asset ID: 23


Oink is a decentralised fair launch cryptocurrency
Mined only on Halloween, every year. Riotpigs are inhabitants of the Beamverse, seeking to skim your wallet balance to themselves and double-spend all your utxos in a horrifying loop until your wallet is bare. ROADMAP. Yr 1 Post PIGS in telegram channel one day each year to earn OINK. Yr 2 Dapp with BoD to redeem your OINK for OINK noftes. Yr 3 Profit share with Riotpig NFT holders.

Asset ID:   23
Since: 2022-10-31 10:36 (UTC)
Block: 2,005,112
Short name: OINK
Unit name:   OINK
Subunit name:   CURLY TAILS
Minted supply:   33,969,666 OINK
Last change: 2022-10-31 13:31 (UTC)
Block: 2,005,292

Supply changes

Block Timestamp (UTC) Details Supply
2,005,292 2022-10-31    13:31 Asset.Emit: 33969666 OINK (OINK) 33,969,666
2,005,112 2022-10-31    10:36 Asset.Create: OINK (OINK) -


P2P Swap Order Book

Sell Orders

Price in Beam Price for 1 OINK Taker Sends Amount of Beam requested by the seller Taker Receives Amount of OINK offered by the seller Market Cap
Market cap corresponding to the respective price
No sell orders

Buy Orders

Price in Beam Price for 1 OINK Taker Sends Amount of OINK requested by the buyer Taker Receives Amount of Beam offered by the buyer Market Cap
Market cap corresponding to the respective price
No buy orders
