Asset ID: 20
Grug has rock (ROCK)

Grug has rock

Asset ID:   20
Since: 2022-10-26 14:21 (UTC)
Block: 1,998,177
Short name: ROCK
Unit name:   ROCK
Subunit name:   PEBBLE
Minted supply:   10,000 ROCK
Last change: 2022-10-26 14:59 (UTC)
Block: 1,998,216

Supply changes

Block Timestamp (UTC) Details Supply
1,998,216 2022-10-26    14:59 Asset.Emit: 10000 Grug has rock (ROCK) 10,000
1,998,177 2022-10-26    14:21 Asset.Create: Grug has rock (ROCK) -


P2P Swap Order Book

Sell Orders

Price in Beam Price for 1 ROCK Taker Sends Amount of Beam requested by the seller Taker Receives Amount of ROCK offered by the seller Market Cap
Market cap corresponding to the respective price
No sell orders

Buy Orders

Price in Beam Price for 1 ROCK Taker Sends Amount of ROCK requested by the buyer Taker Receives Amount of Beam offered by the buyer Market Cap
Market cap corresponding to the respective price
No buy orders
